As a care home manager, you will undoubtedly have a lot on your plate. Being actively involved with managing staff and budgets and ensuring compliance with care standards, we know that you’ll appreciate anything that supports you in that role.
For that reason, we at Cairn Care have put together a range of resources to help support you and your team.
- Free training for your staff
Sometimes it can be difficult to free up staff to attend special training courses, so we have added a free training section to our website that your care workers can dip into at any time.
This section includes posters, guides, action plans and cleaning plans, which can also be useful for in-house trainers to download and share with any staff they are training.
To access our free training section just click here.
- Continence care and infection control advice
In addition to the free training section on our website, we also have a lot of specific articles on our online blog to help you with effective continence care and infection control in your care home.
With other topics covering working with residents with dementia, introducing Animal Assisted Therapy and ways to distinguish your care home from the competition, our blog is a great resource for the busy care home manager.
To visit our care home advice blog just click here.
We also have individual fact sheets on a number of issues that could affect your residents, which include:
- Tackling Norovirus in your care home
- Effective continence care for care homes
- Caring for residents with MRSA in your care home
- Controlling HBV infection in your care home
- Tackling influenza in your care home
- Preventing food poisoning in your care home
- Tackling CPE in your care home
- Controlling dysentery in your care home
- Tackling C. Diff in your care home
If you are interested in receiving any of these just email info@tempdomain2.site and we can send them over to you.
- Online ordering
As a busy care home manager, we also recognise that you won’t want staff pestering you for sign-off on every single order you place for incontinence pads, hand wash and disinfectant.
That’s why we developed our new website to enable you to set up an account and enter your care home’s card details once. That way, any future orders can be placed by an authorised member of staff who doesn’t need to chase you for a card or sign-off for every single item.
To register for a new account, just click here: https://cairncare.co.uk/my-account/
More care home manager resources
We are constantly updating our website with new advice articles and training materials, so it is a good idea to visit our website regularly for updates. You can also click here to follow us on Twitter, where we regularly post updates to support the busy care home manager.